This may sound strange, but I can remember the details of the back of Austin's head better than anything else about him. He liked to sit up with me holding him up on my lap. He didn't like to lay back and cuddle he like to be sitting up so he could see what was going on all the time. I remember that his hair was thinner on the back of his head that on the top, and shorter. His head wasn't flat on the back, but one side seemed a little flatter than the other. He slept on his back and I think he preferred to turn his head to the right when he was sleeping, hense the tad bit flatter spot on the back, right side of his head. At his hair/neck line, he had what looked like a rash to me, but the pediatrician said it was normal and was like a birthmark. He had it from the day he was born till the day he died. I miss looking at the back of his head and I often wonder if he would still have thinner hair in the back, if the small flat spot would there, and if the red rash/birthmark would still be there....