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Help Fight SIDS


During my pregnancy I received a lot of support, advice, etc from the What to Expect December 2008 ladies.  Even though this is an online group, we have all become very close, like a family.  Three babies from our group have grown angel wings-Austin, Grant, and Emily.  One of the moms from our discussion board suggested that we form a March of Dimes team in memory of Austin, Grant and Emily.  We are Team A.G.E. (Stands for Austin, Grant and Emily).  Please help support us support the March of Dimes continue their research, education, community services and advocacy programs. 








Your support of the CJ Foundation for SIDS funds critical SIDS and SUDC-related research projects at prestigious institutions, as well as risk-reduction education and bereavement support programs.  Join with us and help to eliminate SIDS for good, because every baby counts.







  • Donations are vital to assure families are able to have appropriate and timely bereavement services, and to support research, training and special projects. Contributions may be made in memory of a loved one, or in honor of someone on a special occasion (i.e. birthday, retirement), or designated for a specific purpose or project. Your $20.00 donation can:
  • Donations may be made by check, United Way (UMBF 9695, Maryland SIDS 26309) payroll deductions. Checks should be made payable to: UMB Foundation. Please send contributions paid by check to:
    Center for Infant & Child Loss
    Rm. 5-684
    630 W. Fayette Street
    Baltimore, MD 21201
  • Make a donations online today.