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Carla God Bless December 21, 2010
I'm just a stranger who saw this posted and was touched by the photos of your little one.  I know his birthday is coming up and I hope that God blesses you both and helps you in your grief.  His pictures are beautiful and I can only imagine what he was like in person.
Marla You're so lucky! November 5, 2010
I just saw your post on the WTE board and clicked on the link... As soon as I read the first sentences busted into tears... I'm so sorry for your loss but I do think you are so lucky to have met your Little Angel and have had spent time with him. Now you know someone is always watching over you and your family and you will never be alone...
God bless you.
Jennifer God bless you! August 15, 2010
I am a mommy from the June 08 boards and Feb. 10 boards. I lost Chase, my Feb. 10 baby on June 28th 2010, and I wanted to say I know how you feel and may your new baby live the longest happiest life ever :) Austin was a handsome little guy and I bet he and Chase are buddies in heaven! God bless your new baby and family! I'll pray for you!
Kelly Thinking of you July 8, 2010

I saw Austin's memorial in the paper a short while ago and have been meaning to visit this page ever since. I worked with Nick at Michaels and was so saddened to hear of your devastating loss. I remember when proud papa Nick brought Austin into the store one night to share him with us. And, I remember thinking how absolutely beautiful and precious Austin was. I know better than to hope your days are getting better, but I do hope that you find true comfort in your memories of your little boy. You are often in my thoughts.



Jessica Mattingly May 26, 2010
Brandy and Nick. I will never know the pain you are feeling or can I say I know how you feel but know that I do think of you often and of course little austin. I know he feels very special to have parents who love him so much and miss him. I wish you two nothing but happiness, you definitely deserve it. XOXOXO.
Judy Johnson SMCM May 26, 2010

Nick and Brandy,

Sorry for your loss.  I hope that you are comforted by those around you at church and at your jobs and in your loving family.  May the peace and love of God given to us through His Son, Jesus, strengthen and comfort you daily.  I pray that those of us coming in contact with you both in our day to day lives show this love through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.  I hope I do.

Keysha In my Prayers May 26, 2010
hey. i happened to see your post in the newspaper and couldn't help but to visit your site, i have a 4 month old daughter. I'm not going to say i feel your pain, because i don't. but i can relate my sister lost a baby at 6 months and it tore her up. she's trying again and hopefully it goes better. nothing can replace your little one  but i think you should try again to have another one. your in my prayers. and you have a handsome son.
Eva Simon I feel your pain May 26, 2010
Hi. My name is Eva and i was reading your web site to your little boy and it was tuching to me. Your very strong for what you did. I know it's hard everyday and waking uo knowing that he's not their because I lost my mom when I was only 11 So i know a little of how you feel. I just want you to know that your in my prayers.
Kate Mauck Church Family May 26, 2010
Nick and Brandy - how my heart lurched within me when I saw little Austin's photo in the paper a short while ago.  "A year already?", I thought.  Yet, I know in your hearts, you must be thinking, "A year without our precious Austin feels like a lifetime."  I pray that our Heavenly Father will comfort your every moment, waking and asleep, as you treasure each thought, each remembrance, each moment you had the joy of loving your precious baby boy.  Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos and memories with me.  In Him - Kate
kai bedfords nan so beauitfull March 17, 2010
god bless you little man, you look so beauitfull in your photos, hope you have meet up with kai up there with the angels,  you can look after each other, untill we all meet up one day, you were both so young to be taken away from your mommys and daddys, not fair, but you were needed up above because you were so precious ,rest now  xxxxxxxx
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